Physico-chemical properties and micronutrient profile of functional chocolate with mare's milk powder and resveratrol
functional product, mare's milk powder, resveratrol, healthy diet, micronutrient profile, nutritional preventionAbstract
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) represent one of the most severe healthcare challenges for many countries, accounting for one-third of all deaths worldwide. One significant risk factor contributing to the increase in CVD prevalence is the disruption of dietary patterns, characterised by a deficiency of essential macro- and micronutrients in the population's diet. In this context, a particularly relevant direction in food biotechnology and preventive medicine is the nutritional prevention of CVD by developing new functional food products with pronounced health-promoting and cardioprotective properties. Mare's milk and resveratrol have a balanced chemical composition and can be utilised to prevent many chronic non-communicable diseases, including CVD. This study aims to develop functional milk chocolate enriched with dried mare's milk and resveratrol and determine its physicochemical properties and micronutrient profile. The replacement of cow's milk in chocolate with dried mare's milk and fortification using resveratrol powder resulted in significant changes in the product's properties, which varied depending on the quantity of added functional ingredients. These include the mass content of B vitamins, vitamins A and E, calcium, magnesium, essential amino acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sensory analysis revealed changes in the product's organoleptic properties following incorporating these functional components. Thus, adding 20% dried mare's milk and 0.10% resveratrol can enhance the biological value and improve the sensory qualities of the chocolate products.References
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Copyright (c) 2025 Galiya Smagul, Dilyar Tuigunov, Yuriy Sinyavskiy, Tatiana Savenkova, Sabyrkhan Barmak (Author)

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