Modeling of the qualitative state of oilseeds from soybean seeds by multifactorial analysis of factor areas
product quality, oil grades, soybean seeds, regulatory characteristics, geometric quality modelsAbstract
The production of oil products in Ukraine is a leader not only in the European but also in the world market of food and processing industry products, therefore, the priority areas of scientific research in this field are the effective assessment of the quality of the oil obtained. Existing methods for assessing this product by organoleptic characteristics are subjective and do not allow the use of parameters that require more complex measurement technologies; which in general makes it impossible to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the quality of the studied product. The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a mathematical modeling method for numerical analysis of the quality of soybean oil product varieties. Qualitative assessment of the studied oil varieties was carried out using such indicators as the mass fraction of fat, peroxide, and acid number; content of free fatty acids, phosphatides, moisture, and impurities; it allowed to perform a numerical analysis using dimensionless complexes regarding the condition of the studied oil product varieties and compliance with regulatory indicators. When processing experimental data and calculating the developed quality criteria, programming methods, Excel, and COMPASS mathematical environments were used, which allowed the construction of geometric quality models and the necessary assessment criteria. According to the results of the research, it turned out that the characteristics of the studied varieties "OAS Avatar", "ES Mentor", "Sigalia", "ES Mentor" and "Gallek" do not meet the requirements for compliance with the quality thresholds by 160 - 220%, however, their current characteristics, which were selected for assessment, are within the average normative indicators. The proposed mathematical models can be implemented for practical application in assessing the condition of any complex object of research using an unlimited number of characteristics. At the same time, the main requirements for these parameters are their breadth of coverage of the physical, mechanical, and chemical-biological properties of the product and the ability to provide an objective and thorough assessment of its condition.References
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Copyright (c) 2025 Igor Palamarchuk, Mikhailo Mushtruk, Volodymyr Piddubny , Nina Osokina, Andrii Chahaida, Vitalii Mihailik, Olena Herasymchuk, Hennadii Tkachenko (Author)

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